More than 600,000 new businesses are formed in the United States each year. Unfortunately, not all of these have staying power in their industries.

One of the most important aspects of running a business is properly managing your company’s network design.

However, not everyone knows how to get started with network optimization. We’ve put together a brief guide that details everything you need to know. Let’s dive in.

Work With a Professional

A managed IT service provider can help you optimize your network design in several ways. First, they can provide comprehensive services for monitoring and maintaining the health of your network infrastructure. They can proactively identify potential problems and put things in place to prevent them from occurring.

A managed IT provider can help you get the most out of your current network resources.

This includes auditing and assessing your network performance to make sure it is running efficiently, as well as providing recommendations on how to make improvements. As you might guess, always check the reputation of your potential providers.

Choose the Right Hardware

Choosing the right hardware for your network is essential in order to get the best possible performance. Your provider can help you select the best hardware for your network.

They can provide you with advice on the types of routers, switches, firewalls, and other equipment to use in order to get the most out of your system.

It’s worth noting that this is an attribute you can overlook. Without the right hardware in place, you likely won’t be able to reach your network design goals.

Implement Security Measures

Security is a major concern for any business operating online. A managed IT service provider can help you implement appropriate measures to protect your network from cyberattacks.

They can help you set up a robust security system that includes firewalls, antivirus and anti-malware software, intrusion detection systems, and other solutions to keep your data safe.

Optimize Network Performance

Once you have the right hardware in place, a managed service provider can help you optimize your network performance. They can provide advice on how to adjust settings, upgrade firmware and software, troubleshoot problems quickly, and maintain high levels of performance.

Implement Continuous Monitoring

Finally, a managed IT service provider can help you implement continuous monitoring of your network. This will allow them to detect and address any problems quickly so that you can keep your system performing optimally.

A managed IT service provider can also provide 24/7 monitoring for the most critical parts of your network, such as servers and routers.

Network Design Is Easier Than It Seems

Sometimes, network design can seem overwhelming. The above information will go a long way when it comes to helping you avoid problems. This will help ensure you get started on the right path.

Looking for more information about what we can do? Reach out to us today to see how we can help.