
IT Outsourcing vs. In-House: Which Is Best for Your Business?

Is your better in need of IT solutions? If so, you’re probably wondering whether you should invest in an in-house team or go the route of IT outsourcing. Both options have their pros and cons, but oftentimes, one option can be much better for a business than another. Not sure which route you should go? [...]

2019-07-31T20:17:51-06:00July 31st, 2019|IT solutions|

What is VPS and What is it Used For?

There are over 1.5 billion websites on the Internet and counting. So where do they all live? Many options exist for hosting websites. For a lot of businesses, VPS is a popular hosting service allowing for modification to servers with their own operating systems. What is VPS? Read on to learn all about virtual private servers and [...]

2019-07-02T14:12:55-06:00July 23rd, 2019|TechTalk|

When to Update or Replace Company Computers

It can happen out of nowhere. You come into work, fire up your computer, and find it non-responsive. A computer lifespan is like a car tire. It can stop working at any moment without warning. Ideally, you'll have a plan in the unforeseen event of a crash and it might result in upgrading your computer. Sometimes [...]

2019-07-02T12:52:40-06:00July 16th, 2019|IT solutions|

How to Prevent Your Website from Crashing

On average, websites spend three hours offline due to server host issues. Each minute your website is down, that could mean lost potential sales. Businesses can lose millions in profits when their website is inaccessible.  Getting to the root of the problem is important if you want to avoid common website crashes. Can your host [...]

2019-07-02T11:58:32-06:00July 9th, 2019|IT solutions|

How to Choose the Best Website Hosting

You want to get an online website for your business, so where do you start? First, you will need to figure out web hosting. It is essential to understand that in the absence of a web host, your customers will find it hard to access your website.  Besides enabling you to have a website, web hosting [...]

2019-07-02T14:11:07-06:00July 2nd, 2019|IT solutions|

5 Cutting Edge Tech Trends Affecting Businesses

Finally got some capital to launch a business? Hoping to stand out from the competition? Keep in mind, there are over 58.9 million people working in small businesses. That’s a tight competition. If you want to stay on top, you need new technology for your small business. You need to know the evolution of IT [...]

2019-06-05T12:57:42-06:00June 26th, 2019|TechTalk|

The Security Risks of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) to Work

BYOD refers to “Bring Your Own Device’” and is a practice of permitting employees to bring their own devices to work. They are allowed to connect to the company’s software, networks or information with these devices. This practice has become a huge trend given the many benefits it offers to the company. Almost 95% of [...]

2019-06-05T12:56:18-06:00June 19th, 2019|TechTalk|

9 All Too Common IT Problems You Might Face

Before we get started, have you tried switching it off and back on again? Just kidding, but did you know that most common IT problems can be quickly solved by you? Only 55% of users keep their software updated, which could explain why we keep running into the same problems. We've taken a look at [...]

2019-06-05T12:54:55-06:00June 12th, 2019|IT solutions|

7 Tips to Increase Business Cloud Security

As cloud computing becomes increasingly ubiquitous, more individuals and businesses are making the move towards using cloud technology. But like any relatively new technology, its use carries risks along with its benefits. To safely reap the benefits of using cloud computing, you need to know how to minimize cloud computing security risks.  7 Tips to [...]

2019-06-05T12:53:26-06:00June 5th, 2019|IT solutions|

Industries Most in Need of Managed IT Services

Many industries operate with limited contact with regular consumers. For example, the mining industry has almost no direct contact with the rank and file consumers. Some industries with lots of contact with consumers often work under strict legal regulations. When these industries don't protect customer or client data, it can prove both a financial [...]

2022-08-11T13:41:19-06:00May 14th, 2019|IT solutions|
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