
7 Tips for Laptop Security

Did you know that there are over 48,000 different viruses and malware that intruders can use to gain access to your computers? It's true. Your computer, laptops included, is incredibly susceptible to these cyber threats.  So how do you protect your laptop from intruders? Are there actionable steps you can take to make sure your [...]

2021-12-07T16:02:38-06:00December 7th, 2021|Cybersecurity|

7 Benefits of a Managed Service Provider

One of the biggest challenges of running a business is knowing when to outsource. You may wonder, for example, if it's worth it to hire a managed service provider for IT. Many business owners think that they can save money by relying solely on in-house employees for their IT solutions. Unfortunately, they don't realize what [...]

2021-12-08T05:39:01-06:00December 7th, 2021|IT solutions|

What Exactly Does a Managed Service Provider Do?

The Covid pandemic left many businesses with no choice but to go online. While some of the conditions that forced the move have eased, maintaining a digital presence often allows businesses to capture new customers who would otherwise remain out of reach. That gives you a vested interest in maintaining or even expanding the range [...]

2021-11-03T18:59:36-06:00November 24th, 2021|IT solutions|

5 Ways Hiring an IT Support Services Company Can Save You Money

You probably think your company is too small to outsource your IT. After all, isn't getting professionals in to manage your limited IT system a bit overkill? It might surprise you to hear that outsourced IT support is growing in demand for small and medium-sized businesses. Because even for a small setup, outsourcing can save [...]

2021-11-03T19:03:21-06:00November 17th, 2021|IT solutions|

How to Avoid Falling Victim to a Phishing Virus

Did you know that 75 percent of organizations worldwide experienced a phishing virus? The FBI states that phishing attacks were the most common cybercrime in 2020. Data breaches caused by phishing scams can cost a business an average of $4.65 million. This is why it is so important to avoid falling victim to this costly [...]

2021-11-03T19:04:43-06:00November 10th, 2021|Cybersecurity|

What Are the Biggest Ransomware Attacks Ever?

Did you know that ransomware attacks increased 62 percent worldwide between 2019 and 2020? It's only getting worse because 1,097 organizations were attacked in the first quarter of 2021. That's more than the entire year of 2020. Don't be included in future ransomware statistics! This article will discuss some of the biggest ransomware attacks ever [...]

2021-11-03T19:01:36-06:00November 3rd, 2021|Cybersecurity|

The Most Common Cybersecurity Risks You’ll Face

In recent years, you've probably heard about more and more cybersecurity breaches and data leaks in the news. But, what do you do about it? How do you ensure that your company doesn't fall victim to this cycle? Well, first you need to understand what risks you're vulnerable to. Keep reading for all of the information [...]

2021-10-04T10:37:25-06:00October 25th, 2021|Cybersecurity|

The Best Practices for Password Security

Internet usage has increased vastly in the past 10 years. Nowadays, it's nearly impossible to run a business without relying on the internet.  However, increased reliance on the internet also means an increased need for cybersecurity measures. Hackers are only getting smarter and smarter, and if you're not taking care of yourself online, you're likely [...]

2021-10-04T10:35:43-06:00October 18th, 2021|Cybersecurity|

Why You Should Be Using an Antivirus Software

As the world gets more and more dependent on online services, such as AI and the cloud, cybersecurity becomes more and more important. Advancements in tech also mean an increase in tech risks. If you run a business, you need to make sure you keep yourself away from cybersecurity risks.  Hackers are only getting smarter and smarter. [...]

2021-10-04T10:34:04-06:00October 11th, 2021|IT solutions|

The 5 Most Common Challenges at the IT Service Desk

Although 40% of people prefer self-service IT solutions, the time will come that they'll need the IT service desk. Not all problems get fixed by switching them off and on again. That's why the IT help desk team remains an essential part of IT services support. But what are the main challenges they face? What's [...]

2021-10-04T10:31:40-06:00October 4th, 2021|IT solutions|
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