32% of small business owners claim that inflation is one of their greatest challenges right now. Can you relate? Are you cutting corners to save money? 

If so, it might be time to find ways to cut down without sacrificing quality. One way to do that is to invest in managed IT services. 

But wait, how could spending money on something save you money in the long run? We’re here to talk all about that as well as some of the other benefits that managed IT services can offer. Read on to learn more. 


One of the top benefits of investing in managed IT services is how affordable they can be. For small business owners with tight margins, this is crucial. 

When you hire an in-house team of IT professionals, you have to pay all of their salaries. You may be able to afford one in-house professional, but that one person may not be able to take on all of the necessary work on their own. 

When you start outsourcing IT services, you pay a flat rate and you get all of the services you need. 

You may be wondering if it would be even cheaper to not hire any IT professionals at all. Well, potentially, but only until you encounter a problem.

If you need a last-minute IT service from a contractor during something serious, like an IT blackout, you’ll end up spending far more than if you had just invested in managed IT services. 

A Whole Team of IT Professionals

Again, you may be able to afford a single IT professional, and that’s great! However, one person isn’t capable of handling all of the potential IT problems that come with running a successful business. 

When you use managed IT services, you can either use them on their own or to support an in-house IT worker. You get an entire team of IT professionals who all have their own areas of expertise. 

This makes for a more well-rounded and comprehensive experience. 

Scalability and Flexibility

Do you want your business to grow? Of course, right? Managed IT services can grow right along with you. 

Managed IT services give you some of the tools that major corporations use for a lower cost. They can help your business grow with those resources.

As your business grows, you can expand the services that you’re receiving. You don’t have to stick with the same service package forever or switch managed IT service companies. 


Security is one of the most important benefits of using managed IT services. 

These services offer around-the-clock support, and that includes security. If someone notices that something is amiss before you do, they’ll take care of it right away before it becomes a problem.

Managed IT services can handle all necessary security updates for you. These updates will keep your systems safe.

They’ll also give you access to better security programs and features than you (likely) already have. All of these security benefits will also save you money in the long run because you’ll lower your chances of data breaches and blackouts. 

Are Managed IT Services Right for Your Business? 

Are you ready to start taking advantage of the benefits of managed IT services? You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. If you want better security, a more affordable way of meeting your IT needs, and a whole team of seasoned IT professionals to help you, this is your best option. 

At Inception Network Strategies, we’re here to help you with your IT needs. Contact us to learn more about our services today.