Imagine losing your entire company because of a simple IT issue. According to Sophos, the cost of ransomware recovery in 2024 was $2.73 million, and that’s not even including ransom payments. If you want to avoid an IT nightmare like this, you need an expert IT strategy.

Of course, not every company is tech-focused. If you’re not comfortable managing these complicated systems in-house, you’ll need strategic guidance. Don’t wait until there’s a crisis to start thinking about your IT strategy. Read on to learn more about what a reliable IT plan involves.

Keeping Your Systems Up to Date

According to Cloudflare, all it took to protect your computer from the notorious WannaCry malware was to update Windows. Unlucky victims who failed to update in time were left with computers that were locked down and unusable.

This story demonstrates the importance of keeping your software updated. Updates are about more than just new features-they also protect your systems from cyberattacks and fatal errors.

Save Your Data With Robust Backup Systems

The WannaCry virus was potentially devastating, but for some users, it was just an annoyance. WannaCry applies unbreakable encryption to the contents of your hard drive. If that drive contained the only copy of your data, you were out of luck-you either paid the ransom, or the data was gone for good.

However, with effective IT management, the victim might have all that data backed up. In this case, a simple system restore is all it takes, and you’re back up and running. There might be some data loss, but it’s nowhere near as bad as losing everything.

Additionally, if you’re faced with a perplexing and persistent system glitch, reverting to a previous system configuration is one of the best IT problem-solving methods. For this method to work, you need reliable data backups.

No More Dealing With Vendors

If you’ve ever dealt with hardware or software vendors, you may have noticed they’re sometimes afflicted by the “curse of knowledge.” According to The Decision Lab, this occurs when an expert struggles to explain complex technology to non-technical customers because they find it difficult to simplify their communication.

Often, calling a vendor with a simple query can leave you more confused than before. IT issue resolution is much faster when you have someone who speaks the language talk on your behalf. Hiring experts for your technical support strategies ensures you have specialists to manage your vendor relations.

Don’t Stress Over an IT Issue: Work With the Experts

Dealing with an IT issue that brings your entire operation to a grinding halt is stressful and disruptive. If you want to lower the chances of experiencing downtime and outages, you’ll need an intelligent IT strategy and well-managed, well-maintained systems.

Choosing the right IT services partner is essential. Inception Network Strategies is a managed IT services provider that helps small and medium businesses improve their digital infrastructure.

We pride ourselves on reducing complexity, increasing efficiency, and helping you get more value from your digital tools. Contact us today to learn more about what we do.